How to Keep Connection with Your Friends

he first step is to acknowledge your feelings and allow yourself to grieve. Keeping your emotions bottled up is unfair to both you and the other person: let them out. Everyone grieves differently, so do it in a way that seems appropriate to you.

It’s natural to miss your friend. When you are unable to articulate yourself, you can refer to quotes about missing friends collected by to learn about some sayings to say about a buddy you miss.


  • Allow yourself a set time (say, a few days) to go through old letters or photos, listen to melancholy music, or cry your eyes out while snuggling a plush animal. Once your mourning period has gone, commit to getting back into the routine of things.
  • Remember that the extent to which you miss that individual reflects how essential that relationship was to you. Allow yourself to feel the discomfort.

It’s important to remember that mourning isn’t only a mental state; it’s also a bodily one. It’s fine if you’re not eating or sleeping as much as you usually do, or if you’re not as productive or social as you usually are.

Have faith in someone

Talking about your feelings is a terrific way to let them out and obtain the support you need. Explain what’s going on to your closest family and friends.

  • You could add, “Now that he’s moved away, I’m very sad.” I’m in desperate need of someone to chat to.
  • Request if you have a suggestion for how this person might enhance your mood. For example, you might ask, “Can we watch cheesy rom-com tomorrow night in his honour?”

Write about your emotion

Put your feelings on paper to express yourself. Create an entry in your diary or journal describing what happened and how you’re feeling as a result. If you don’t keep a journal, simply take out some new notebook paper or type it into the memo pad on your phone

  • You might also write to the person you miss and express your feelings. If they are available, you can send it to them, or save it to read later when the feelings come over you again.
  • Keep in mind the wonderful times. When someone is gone, it’s easy to become caught up in the events leading up to their departure, such as the day they moved away or died. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects, consider the positive ones.

Consider how much fun you had with this person

You could write about these recollections in your notebook or tell someone close to you about them.

Find a ritual that you can conduct every time a wave of grief strikes you to honor the person you’re missing.

  • If you require professional assistance, speak with a counselor. Missing someone might trigger a slew of unpleasant emotions, such as melancholy or regret. Consider seeing a counselor if you’re having problems coming to terms with the person’s absence or feeling unable to participate in life as usual.
  • Everyone handles emotions differently, and it could take anything from a few weeks to a few years for you to get through them. However, if your everyday life is being affected, you should seek expert assistance.
  • As you share your feelings, a counselor will listen. They can also provide useful ways for dealing with your specific situation, such as completing a ritual for a deceased loved one.

Keeping Yourself Away

Make your everyday routine more structured. Getting back to your normal routine might help you get through emotional distress, even if you are tempted to hide in your room or neglect your duties. Regardless matter how you are feeling, a structure will supply you with responsibilities that you must complete. It will help you stay busy and occupied while also making your days feel “normal.”

Although you cannot replace the person, others can assist you in healing and moving on. Make an effort to form new connections and strengthen current ones. Make an effort to form bonds with people who are upbeat and supportive.

  • To meet new people, join a new group or organization, or attend a Meetup in your region.
  • Asking existing friends to get out more often or initiating a new customer with them, such as Sunday brunch or Friday movie night, might help you form stronger ties.
  • Studying or learnng something new is a good idea. Make the most of your time by expanding your knowledge. If you’re a student, immerse yourself in a subject that interests you. If not, try reading books or watching videos on a subject you’ve always been interested in. You might also enrol in a course to learn a new skill.
  • If you’re still in school, work on your math or English understanding. Consider studying a foreign language, mastering the art of French cooking, or enrolling in guitar classes.

Keeping the Connection

If you can still contact the person, use technology to keep in touch. You can send them text messages, call them on the phone, or video chat with them.

  • Set a regulr meeting time, such as every Thursday at 6 p.m. Take use of this time to catch up on what’s going on in each other’s life.
  • On social media, you can follow them. To feel more connected to the person, follow or friend them on social media. You can check their status, see images, and message them via social media even if they are far away.
  • People can also communicate over long distances via social media. You’ll be up to date as long as they refresh their feed frequently.
  • From afar, do something together. Whatever your relationship with this person is—friends, relatives, lovers—you may still spend meaningful time with them across a long distance. Try playing online games with your friends, making Pinterest projects together, or watching the same movie or TV show.
  • During a Skype or Hangouts video call, all you need is an Internet connection to perform multiple things at the same time.
  • You may potentially “meet up” in a virtual reality environment with someone who is far away. A game like Rec Room, for example, allows you to meet up with someone and partake in virtual reality activities with them.

Nothing compares to being with your friend or partner. Plan a time to see the person if you have the resources. Then you may hug them and observe how much they’ve changed while you’ve been apart up close.
